Monday, June 14, 2010

Rylee is One Month Old!!!

Our little girl is already growing way too fast. We celebrated her one month birthday a day late by heading to the doctor's for a checkup and an unknown immunization... Oops, we didn't warn her. Rylee checked in at a robust 8 lbs and 5.4 oz, a full 2 lbs heavier than her last checkup!!! She has also added 1.25 inches to her height so I guess that means Mommy and Daddy (well, Mommy anyway) are doing something right.
Rylee's checkup went very well with the exception of the shot, of which she expressed her extreme displeasure. She showed off to the nurse by cooing, smiling, following objects, and even gave some tummy time head lifts. All in all a great visit!
Let's take a look back at some of Rylee's recent adventures as she approached 1 month.

Rylee goes all Houdini on us and slips her arm out. Clearly not happy about Daddy photographing her secret move.

Tried out the new crib. Plenty of room even after gaining 2 whole pounds.

Had an emergency bath (don't ask about the details) and got to wear this onesie. It doesn't look like much but the back says above her tush "Hazardous Material." Very appropriate.

Flashed a lot of smiles!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hot Summer Days

Most babies appreciate being "swaddled." Rylee, on the other hand, has decided that daddy is a little too cheap to pay for A/C and has figured out how to counter this. Please see exhibit A below wherein Rylee has managed to kick out of her swaddle in an attempt to find cooler climes.