Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Big Couple Weeks for Rylee

Since last we posted on here Rylee has been quite active reaching milestones and doing all kinds of stuff. Aside from sleep (please see previous post) Rylee has been busy rolling, laughing, flying, and seeing the sites.

Two weeks ago Rylee had the pleasure of participating in her very first fantasy football draft. Besides showing a particular man-crush on her Bengals and trying to draft the whole team down to the secondary coach, she also showed off her new outfit. She also made a valiant effort not to laugh at daddy's jersey and team of choice (mommy failed at this completely).

Mommy also got to experience a new milestone, breastfeeding Rylee in a Hooter's. Sorry, no pics of that are forthcoming.

Around this same time Rylee took another big step towards being a big girl. She transitioned to her crib from her bassinet and did so quite well. She is now averaging 8 hours of sleep a night and mommy has trimmed the number of times she peeks in on her down to 10 a night.

The next exciting moment came about a week ago when Rylee decided to show off her new talent. Fitting one and sometimes two fists into her mouth!!!

Just kidding. While this is an exciting development, the real fun is shown in the video below.

And just last week daddy finally brought mommy and Rylee on a business trip. And, oh did the family go big on this one. Rylee got to fly on US Air and when she flashed her smile (and Daddy's silver status) she got to fly First Class on both flights!!! Something not quite right about Rylee getting a first class flight at 3 months and on her first plane trip when it took daddy and mommy 30+ years.

That was not the end of Rylee's adventures though. She also got to spend four nights in the Waldorf-Astoria, while daddy spent most of his time in traffic. The Waldorf was pretty darn cool and she definitely loved the bed as seen below. She also got to visit New Jersey, hung out in downtown Manhattan and saw Aunt Erin, and had her fill of tall buildings which never stopped providing her with entertainment. It was a fun trip and daddy was glad he could bring his two favorite girls with him!

Sleep is the Least of Rylee's Problems

Over the past three months Rylee has shown that she not only looks a lot like daddy, but she also shares another trait with him.... The ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, and through anything. Daddy once famously slept through a jackhammer on the other side of the wall in his parent's basement. Rylee seems heading down that path as well. Please enjoy the following pictures of Rylee demonstrating her ability to persevere and catch some ZZZs.