Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Butterball

Rylee's 6 month visit to the pediatrician came right before our trip to VA for Thanksgiving. She weighed in at 14 lbs., 11.5 ozs. (about as big as our Thanksgiving turkey) and was 25 inches long (Over 2 feet! She'll be taller than Mommy before you know it!) She got another round of shots, which she is still not a fan of, but she seemed to be less traumatized this time around. She must be getting used to being poked and prodded... after all, she does have two big brothers.

Here are some highlights from our trip to VA for Turkey Day:

"Gobble gobble"

"What do you mean Mason and Avery aren't gonna be here??"

Pausing for an obligatory Baby's First Thanksgiving pic

"I don't know what that thing is, but I wanna touch it."

Sharing Piglet with cousin Hannah (and she doesn't share Piglet with just anyone)

Taste testing the local rattles

All bundled up for the VA cold

"Then what happened, Uncle Todd?!"

"This is the way the lady rides..."

Bad hair days can happen to anyone