Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our Goofy Girl

 Peek a boo!
Mommy cannot get the text to appear above the first picture, so she will write it here. With each passing day, Rylee gets more and more hilarious. And downright goofy. Here are a few of her recent antics.

 Scout needed to go potty. Duh.

 Have I mentioned she now knows how to climb on to the couch now? Sometimes, this is how she sits.

 "How do these look, Mommy?"

 When the phone rings, this is what she does, and she says "Dada?"

 Dinnertime giggles

 When I told her that wasn't what this was for, she rolled her eyes.

 I swear I did not pose her.

 Good morning!


 She likes to look at Daddy's picture while dancing to this musical card he sent her.... and make this face....
 Licking the plate clean?

Headstands. Seriously.