Friday, February 24, 2012

Dada home!!

After Christmas came and went, we transformed the countdown to Christmas into the countdown to Daddy. Every day we would change the number under the little Santa and, no matter what the number was, Rylee would say "2, 3, Dada!" (she is fond of 2 and 3, what can I say?) Sometimes this was followed by a hearty "YEA!" and sometimes not, but always with big smiles. Other times, she would just randomly say "Dada home!" for no apparent reason, as if she could make it so just by wishing it. We had been talking about it for so long, I don't think she really believed us that he was really actually coming home. But, finally, at long last, February 2nd came and Dada came home! We were all overjoyed, to say the very least. Here is a wee glance at the homecoming festivities. 

Hard at work on her Welcome Home Daddy sign for the airport

 All 3 kiddos with their serious artist faces on

 Mommy's little craft project

 A cruel joke: after 6 months of waiting on him, the airlines made us wait even longer... here is Rylee admiring her handiwork while we waited out the flight delay

3 very happy boys :-)

 Welcome home... zerbert??

 Very happy to see her Mommy and Daddy smooching again

 At his welcome home party, someone brought Rylee.... er... Daddy... this nice gift. She is a Kentucky girl, after all.

 Reacquainting Daddy with the playground (and showing him what a big girl she has become going down the slides all by herself)

 Reminding Daddy how to have a proper tea party and picnic.. simultaneously

First bath with Dada back! Happiness...