Monday, September 24, 2012

A Zoorific Summer

This year we got a family membership to the zoo. It may very well have been the best $100-some that we have ever spent.  There are so many fun things to do at our zoo. It's much more than just animals. There are playgrounds and rides and shows and petting zoos and all kinds of extras! There is even a splash park, where we spent lots of the hot summer days. While our membership does last a whole year and I am sure we will still be spending some time there in the coming months, the summer is officially now over, so some of our zoo fun will have to come to an end. Here is a look back at our summer zoo fun.
Thinking about petting some goats

 Daddy's shoulders: best elephant watching spot in the whole zoo
 "I touched it! I touched it!"
 Pimping her new zoo ride
 Feeding the giraffes
 Definitely moved on from thinking about petting goats to totally petting goats galore

Carousel ride with Mommy (she picked the giant gorilla)

 Introducing Aidan to her friends, the "Nemo fishes"
Zoo picnics are fun
Lorakeet whisperer 
 Splishin' and a splashin'
 Monkey in the middle?
 "I can't hear you above all this water noise! Did you ask for my number?"
 Kangaroo peekaboo
 I have no idea where she got this idea, but it happened pretty much every time we visited the splash park. She would run in circles around the polar bear while all the while waving at no one in particular. Just waving.
 Posing with Mr. Seal
 ...and Monsieur Polar Bear
Playground break (I think it's important to note that she did not let go of the pieces of hot pretzel in her hands the entire time)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Every Day is a Dance Party

It is no secret Rylee loves to dance. It is one of her most favorite things to do. We are fortunate to live within walking distance of Westport Village, which has live music during the summer (and also happens to be the location of our favorite ice cream place). So, Rylee has  pretty much been getting her dance on all summer long. She is a regular dancing queen. Here is a sneak peek of some of the action.
 Showing Aidan how it's done
 Getting low
 I think this is something from Flashdance...
 Sometimes the Cow even stops by for a few go 'rounds!
"It goes like this, Mommy..."

 "You put your right foot in.."
"...And you shake it all about!"
 ...and sometimes she pauses to fondle her bellybutton for a bit.
 Mid-dance grins
 They pretend like they're only doing it to entertain their sister, but the boys like it too.
 Water break!
 She never seems to get dizzy
 And nothing refuels you after a night of dancing quite like ice cream.