Monday, June 10, 2013

Strawberry Fields Forever

Well, we have been impatiently waiting and FINALLY our favorite season of all came... strawberry season! So we headed out to see our old pals, the Hubers, and pick as many as we could get our grubby little paws on. 
 Cutest little berry in the patch
 Riding a cow outside the ice cream parlor. This is moments after she practically face planted off of said cow, but Mommy caught her. BB is standing guard, preventing any further spills, as you can see.
 A Ryleeberry!
 We decided to take a carrot, a corn, a melon, and a pepper home from the market.
 Very excited on the tractor out to the fields
 "Let's pick!"
 She had to show Daddy a thing or two about picking the ripest, juiciest berries.
Rylee and Aidan make a pretty good strawberry pickin' team, but she was not real pleased when he told her we couldn't eat anymore before we paid for them.
 The berry picking crew
This is her taste testing face
Walking off into the sunset with their loot