Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Holly Jolly

Yea for Mommy! She (by the hair of her chinny chin chin!) snuck in the holiday blog before it turned 2015! Our holiday season started pretty much the moment we finished eating our turkey. There was a lot to squeeze in, you see! 
Ready, set, go!! 

The official tree lighting at the Paddock Shops (we're feeling festive already!)

How many Hobens does it take to put up Christmas decorations?

Carful o' kiddos off to the underground light show!

 Mommy's favorite lights in the show

Quite possibly the most joyful part of the season, Peppermint Chocolate Chip Milkshake time at Chick-fil-a
(You've heard of doublefisting? We call this doublestrawing....)

Indoor snowballs from Auntie Pea!

Tree hunters

Trimming the Big Gal

The angel putting on the angel

They pretty much didn't stop staring at this tree all month long (and taking ornaments off if your name is Liam)

Writing the uber important letters to Santa!

Waiting in line for a sleighride with Santa isn't so bad when you get to hang out with elves 

Sleighride with the Clauses (Liam was a little too starstruck to smile)

Free holiday themed face painting!

 Christmas crafting

Who needs presents under the tree when you have empty BOXES!??!

Letters to the Big Guy officially mailed!

Christmas movies galore

We did TONS of cookie baking... I mean TONS

Some of us were more concerned with the sprinkles than the cookie baking/decorating

Even Daddy got to help out with a batch or two this year! ("Here ya go, Daddy, you need more sprinkles!!")

Isn't it funny that one person is always hard at work mixing, baking, decorating, and the other seems to always be shoveling decorations in his face?

The whole mini Hoben gang happy to be in on the Christmas cookie baking action....except for Liam, who is clearly saying "WHERE ARE THE FRIGGIN SPRINKLES LADY??"

The No Pants Cookie Dance

Pumped for gingerbread house assembly

Team Gingerbread House, Phase 2

Chief Icing Taster

The Village

Good thing I got that pic of the completed village when I did, 'cause then I caught these stinkers (and Fluttershy the Pony) trying to eat candy decorations off the poor thing the next day

Putting cookies and milk out for Santa and carrots for the reindeer

(Quality Control Expert, Liam Hoben)

Whew, he can get in now!

The annual Night Before Christmas reading

It's always hard to decide which gifts are the favorites because they just love everything so much, but here are just one of each amid the Christmas morning chaos.

The traditional Hoben Christmas Casserole

Liam was all gussied up in a supercute Christmas suit for Christmas dinner, but not too gussied up to try and muck up Aunt Mary's fancy Christmas decorations

Again, boxes....

Dear Santa, thank you for the bath crayons.... I think??

Again, thank you for the M&M dispensers?? (I'm starting to wonder about this Santa character)

Capping off the season with a shopping spree at Toys R Us from Auntie E. Pretty lucky babes!

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Royal Ball (also known as Halloween)

Well, Halloween was in the works for practically a year around these parts. Rylee had a barely walked in the door last Halloween before deciding she wanted to be Cinderella the next Halloween and she wanted Liam to be her Prince Charming. You'd think a kid would forget that over the course of the year or change her mind, wouldn't you? Well, you'd think wrong. So, Mommy went to great lengths to put these costumes together. They turned out really well. And there was lots of Halloween fun along the way. 

There were hayrides....

 And  punkin painting...

(I'd like to point out that Liam, who I wasn't even sure would know what to do during this activity, was super into it to the point where he clearly used every color...vigorously... and cried when we were done)

After taking a year off, we revisited the Zoo Halloween Party and boy was it awesome!


Cinderella with... Cinderella! Who wore it best? You decide

 Some of our favorites were there (Liam is off camera, very excited to see them, but keeping a safe distance nonetheless)

 Then we were off on the old Huber's tractor to choose this year's pumpkins!
"This one's too heavy... let's keep looking!"

Back on the hunt!

 There was everybody's favorite... dirt cake!

 There were free fall festivals galore! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

 And barn slides built for 3...

 Outdoor Casper viewings...

 Fun fall DIY treats...

 And cupcakes!

There was Halloween cookie making (I have the cutest sous chefs)

And enough pumpkin guts to go around!

(Again, Liam VERY into pumpkin guts)

And the annual Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown viewing, of course

At long last, Cinderella and Price Charming were off to the Royal Ball!

 Daddy even took the night off to chaperone!

 It was freezing and sleeting, but that didn't stop these professionals.

Cruising in their Coach


 And thawing out with some warm Pear Cinnamon Cider  
Stay tuned for next year... she's already decided she wants to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. We'll see if that one sticks all year long like this one did! :-)