Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Monster of a Birthday

I tried and I tried to keep him teeny tiny forever, but my baby boy turned one last month. He's still a small fry, although to us he looks way bigger than he should be; he is still a bulldozer (prefers to go through things than around them); he is still eating us out of house and home, he just prefers a different style of cuisine now; he's still the happiest baby on the block; he's even more mischievous than ever (often egged on by his big sister); and, thank goodness, he's still a snugglebug. He's not quite walking yet, but he stands and cruises quite efficiently and walks with help very well. It seems he thinks crawling is just way faster. And we're a-ok with that. A lot of cool things happen when you turn one. Here's a peek at some of them.
All bowtied up for his big party (and showing off his Michael Strahan teeth)

No monster bash is complete without a monster buffet

Liam's siblings getting into the theme of the day

He really loved his cake, you see. Favorite part was the cakepops.

The downside of the birthday weekend: watching the Bengals bungle with Grandpa

First ice cream! "More, Daddy, more!"

Assaulting some new toys

Posing with Grandma and Grandpa

Cow's milk was another one year milestone. A big hit. Mommy has officially been replaced.

And apparently the cake at the party was just a warm-up. He was just toying with it compared to what he did to this poor unsuspecting cupcake on his actual birthday.