Friday, May 23, 2014

The Bunny Cometh

Mommy is so behind. But before it becomes NEXT Easter, she is determined to catch up.  We will skip right over all the fun things that have happened since my last post, including Sesame Street Live, the tournament, meeting Coach Cal, Valentine's Day, and St. Patty's Day, in the interest of getting to the here and now. Here's a look at our fun Easter. 

Decorating some giant Easter eggs for our VIPs

 Mass Egg Dying Chaos

 If you give a Liam an eggie...

 Making hidden surprise Rice Krispie treat eggs...

 ...with Sous Chef Liam's help, of course

 The Bunny came!!! (and Rylee was so excited she almost emptied the entire basket before Mommy even got to her camera)

 Liam was skeptical... "So, this giant bunny comes and leaves stuff in our baskets? There's GOT to be a catch."

 A breakfast fit for a bunny

 Some of us ate with our shades on

 Funny bunny

 All ready for the annual Easter egg hunt at Memaw and Pepaw's

 Rylee is an old pro by now...

 ...While Liam preferred to shake the bejesus out of each egg he found. M&Ms make a cool noise, you see.

 Waiting patiently for a slice of Easter cake (read also: stalking)

 The Motherload of Sidewalk Chalk

 Doing Easter dinner right, Mexican restaurant style