Saturday, January 17, 2015

Liam DIGS Turning 2!

Sniff, sniff. My baby turned two last week. Even though I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around this whole "he's not a baby anymore" thing, he had lots of fun celebrating. Here's a peek for those of you who weren't there to join in the fun.

Birthday eve ice cream was necessary, of course.

HOORAY FOR TWO! (I'm not sure why he's so excited. He got a finger stick and a shot at this doctor's appointment)

He chose Wild Eggs for a special birthday lunch (Mommy and Rylee approved his choice)

The great thing about having your birthday dinner at a Mexican place is the free dessert. They even sang and everything. Lucky for us, the Birthday Boy shared. 

Have no fear: Big Sis was on hand to help him open some presents and cards. 

Now that is teamwork.

This awesome gift is hugely popular for kids of all ages in our house. Liam could not be bothered to pause for a picture, you see. He was focused. 

 There was, of course, a birthday booboo.

That following Saturday, it was time for party day!

Hey, at least he put on the hat.

Fortunately, Liam has some contacts in the catering biz, so his guests were well fed.

Inspecting the balloon choices

 He also had LOTS of help opening even more presents.

Hardhat on, shirt off, ready for cake!!

 "Hey lady, what do I have to do around here to get a piece of this thing?"

He discovered he could drive his construction vehicles in the cake and then lick the icing off. I mean, duh.

 We adore all our new toys, but one of his most favorite gifts is definitely the fabulous new train set from Grandma and Grandpa, which they had to wait a whole day for Daddy to put together.
Here we are, waiting patiently.... some of us without pants....



We also love our new bike and we are SO anxious for it to turn warmer that we absolutely must ride it around the basement.

 Here's how you can tell Liam REALLY loves a new toy: he escapes bathtime/clothes changing time/etc. to play with it.

P.S. Leftover cake is really REALLY good. Case closed.