Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Easter, Delayed

Easter was clearly so much fun that it took us months to recover. So, here we are, just now doing a blog about it...

 Kicking things off with some Easter crafting

 We love getting packages from Grandma and Grandpa, but ESPECIALLY when they contain ginormous Easter eggs to decorate

Here are our finished products, the Princess and the Pirate, who quickly became our BFFS

Gettin' eggy with it

Liam, obviously stunned by his egg dying prowess

Vanna White, modeling our showcase

A big ol' pot of Easter Noodle Soup

 Taste testers give it two thumbs up!

Giant Easter egg cookies save the day after we showed up at an Easter egg hunt that had been canceled at the last minute (whew- that was a close one!)


A little egg decorating at your friendly local Kroger

When you have connections like us, the Bunny even shows up at Kroger 

The annual Easter cupcake eggstravaganza!

 Some bunny likes sprinkles!

DIY Robin Eggs, a late addition a la Memaw

 Basket happiness

All decked out in our Easter best

Liam in disguise

Go go gadget Easter egg hunt!!

Little Bunny Foo Foos


They made out like bandits!

And then...... the Bunny took a nap.