Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Livin' La Vida Lake-a

Before school started, we just HAD to squeeze in a summer trip to the lake with the whole fam damily. Of course, this means there was never a shortage of a) people b) things to do c) fun or d) noise. Here's a look at this year's big adventure:

A rainbow followed us to Grandma and Grandpa's, so that must've been a good sign.

First time sharing a bed for Rylee and Liam!

We made sure to break in all of Grandma and Grandpa's new toys.

We prefer swinging in our PJs, you see.

Rylee, fresh off her swimming lessons, could not wait to get her little tush in that lake.


Crazy Hoben Boys (3 of 4 anyway)

Oh, wait, there's the other one....

Showing off her new floating skills...

And her new swimming skills with Uncle Todd

There was paddleboarding...

And kayaking...

And playing with toys (some of us more naked than others)...

And.... yeah... um... I'm not sure what this is.

Lake Babies

Root Beer Floaters

Catching some rays (or playing dead, not sure which)

Kissin' Cousins

Leading the Way

WWF at the BPH

There were birthday celebrations

And you really never know what's going to happen while you brush your teeth up in this place. Goggles are highly recommended.

Lakeside snuggles with Amy

And, of course, the obligatory couch pic!

But if you ask me, the outtakes are WAY better.