Monday, May 17, 2010

Welcome Rylee!!!

Rylee Taylor Hoben was brought into this world at 11:23 p.m. on May 14, 2010. Her stats included a length of 19 inches and weight of 6 lbs and 8 oz.

This story starts where one would think it should start, at the beginning of a new life at the end of a long day!

Rylee's entrance into this world was certainly not an easy one. Mommy and Daddy arrived at the hospital on May 13 at 10:30 p.m. The nurses started Mommy on a little medicine to start the process and help her sleep. The next day at 7:30 a.m. she received Pitocin to start contractions and the wait began. After a lot of flipping, turning the Pitocin on and off, and worry about the Sprout's (her name before we knew the gender) heart rate, we realized we had been in labor for 15+ hours, had reached 10 cm, but still weren't ready to push. Our nurse for the last part of the evening, Lindsay, did an excellent job of keeping Mommy on her radar and recognizing when a position change was necessary. We became very good at watching the heart rate of the Sprout and predicting when Lindsay would come rushing in.

Finally, at 11:00 with a very high heart rate (200+) the decision was made that Sprout would probably not tolerate pushing. Dr. Horlander was going to deliver this baby through "the sun roof." Clothes were thrown at Daddy, Mommy was rushed off, and for the first time people seemed nervous as though something was truly wrong. At 11:23 p.m. our little miracle was born and we were advised of the gender via the statement, "She's a biter" by Dr. Horlander. Mommy and Daddy both knew it was a little girl :)

How much of a miracle we soon found out. A C-section was probably unavoidable and very well may have saved Rylee's life. She had the cord around her neck, was trying to come out face up, and had a very rare condition called velamentous insertion where the blood vessels from the cord can run in front of the birth canal. This condition can be fatal for the infant.

Today, however, we are celebrating a three day old beautiful baby girl. And Daddy is already thinking about the wedding fund ;)

Welcome Rylee, we love you!!!


  1. Let me be one of the first to welcome Miss Rylee to the world! Hello Rylee, I'm your Auntie Megan...I'm going to have so much fun spoiling you and introducing you to one of your new BFF's Ava.

    My interpretation of your entrance to the world...
    All the stalking texts to your Mommy and Daddy started around 8am on May 13th! I was getting many updates from Mommy through out the day until around 8pm when Daddy took over. He did such a good job at keeping me updated. After a few nervous updates I was delighted to get the midnight text announcing a healthy adorable little girl (with hair) was born.

    I am so excited to meet you - hopefully that will be sometime soon. You are one lucky girl to have such wonderful loving parents.

    Make sure your Mommy and Daddy upload lots of pictures for us all to enjoy. Love you.

  2. Congrats Monica and Sean. Velamentous insertion of the cord eh (Really?! WOW!)...Rylee really wanted to make an entrance. :-) She is beautiful with all that brown hair. I look forward to reading the blog.
