Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What A Long Strange Trip(s) It's Been...

Hello World!!! So nice to see you again! Now that the litigation with blogger.com is over we can once again regale you with the tales of Rylee!

For starters, Rylee is now quite the world traveller. Her many trips started not so much with a trip but with visitors back home in Kentucky (1). Grandma and Grandpa made the trek to spend time with their granddaughter (and by default also their daughter and son-in-law, but really just for Rylee). Besides posing for nice pics, Rylee also learned a thing or two about card playing, a Steiner must, and received a lollipop bigger than her head.

"I don't think you know much about clubs, Grandpa"

Where to start...
After the fun with Grandma and Grandpa, things couldn't get much better or more exciting than that right? Well, here comes well-travelled Rylee. Mommy and Rylee took a little trip east to see Aunt Alison and cousins Avery and Mason. Along the way Rylee got to see Michigan (2) via Detroit's airport. After that fun adventure in which Rylee also learned sthat Delta is the worst airline EVER, they finally made it to Charleston, South Carolina (3).
"Hi Cuz! Mind if I join you?"

I believe this picture only required about 30-40 retakes to get everyone on the same page.

Unfortunately the trip couldn't last forever and Rylee had to come back home but not before experiencing the Atlanta, Georgia (4) airport. After a very short stay at home, Mommy, Daddy, and Rylee were off on Rylee's first long road trip. She enjoyed the view from the backseat as she was driven through the windy mountains of West Virginia (5) on her way to Virginia (6). While in Virginia, Rylee got to spend some time with Aunties Amy and Meghan and new best bud Peyton.
After a fine Coastal Flats meal.

On Sunday Daddy headed to a wedding in Virginia (no kiddos), so Mommy and Rylee took the time to visit some more friends in Maryland (7). Rylee had a wonderful play date with William and Ava while Mommy hung out with Aunties Megan and Meg.
"Hey Ava, I can't wait to be big like you."

Back home and another visitor, this time Auntie Ashleigh came up from Nashville for a business trip. She had a little secret and she told Rylee first.

"Guess who is gonna have a new little friend to play with?"

So the end of October was fast approaching and we had no pumkins yet!!! Well then off to Huber's we go to pick some. Everyone piled into the car and headed for Indiana (8).
Enjoying the hayride on our way to pick a few pumpkins. Aidan did not lose his tooth on the ride.

Pumpkins in hand we headed home to get ready for yet another trip. This time Daddy had a meeting in Saint Louis, which is only 4 hours west. Once again, Mommy, Daddy, and Rylee piled into the car and made the drive west. Along the way Rylee experienced the thrill that is Central Time Zone, the dread that is driving through Indiana, and a brief stop in Illinois (9) for a feeding before finally arriving in Saint Louis, Missouri (10). While Daddy was sleeping in his meetings, Rylee was going up the Arch and getting free balloons.

That trip was rather short and so everyone headed back home for Halloween fun. After a month in which Rylee passed through or visited 10 states, it was time to settle down an unwind.

" Ready for pumpkin carving, Daddy."

"OK, Mommy, let's go get our hands on some candy!"

November came upon us pretty fast and Rylee has been very busy talking, rolling, and trying to crawl. She also has taken on some chores:
This laundry is clean, ready for the whites.

Roly Poly Rylee getting into all kinds of trouble rolling and twisting into some strange positions.

On Rylee's 6 month Birthday she decided it was time to try some food. Here she is creating art with butternut squash. Also on the list for this month, carrots, sweet potatos, and green beans.

The Sprout with a sprout.

This is what happens when you let Rylee (or Daddy) change her diaper.

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