Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beach Bunny

Well, it finally happened... Daddy got to go somewhere cool on business! So, the week after Rylee's birthday, Mommy and Rylee packed up and headed to Virginia Beach with Daddy for almost a whole week of fun in the sun. It was Rylee's very first beach experience and she had a ball. She also got to do a lot of cool things for the first time while she was on vacation. We took a lot of pictures and video, so here are some highlights:

And we're off!!

Vrooooom vrooooom!

Channeling her inner Marilyn Monroe
You scream, I scream...
Rylee's fountain obsession continues... (this one was way cooler than the one in the mall back home)
All suited up!
She LOVED the sand...
...but notsomuch the cold ocean water...
Getting braver!
She had her first taste of pizza... yes, pizza... on our trip. You can see she didn't like it much... there is marinara sauce in her eye.
First time in the pool! She was skeptical at first after the trauma of the ocean, but once she realized it was just like a big bathtub, she was in hog heaven!
Dining on (but mostly spilling) some Cheerios while enjoying our beachfront balcony
The toy nook
"No, Mommy, I am NOT ready to go home! Unpack these STAT!"
First taste of Cuban food (I promise that is not a mojito in her sippy cup)
Calling some birdies
Saying bye bye to the ocean
Rylee was very fond of our balcony. She really liked the view of the ocean and all the people and dogs down on the beach and birdies flying by. But most of all, she loved to walk in and out, in and out, for no particular reason at all. Here she is after a day at the beach, doing her balcony workout.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's So Much Fun to Be ONE!

Rylee knew she was pretty special, but she never realized just how many people loved her until her first birthday. People came from near and far, sent packages and cards, and even called to sing happy birthday over the phone. It was the happiest of birthdays. She enjoyed her party and her cake very much and loves all her fun new toys and other gifts.
Now that she's one, she has decided this means she is officially a big girl, therefore she must start doing big girl things. This includes, but is not limited to: walking, babbling, dancing, clapping, waving, hugging, kissing, climbing up stairs, and taking baths in the big girl tub.
Unfortunately, the first birthday also brings a visit to the mean, old doctor who passes out those mean, old shots. It wasn't all bad though. We discovered that Rylee is right on target, if not going above and beyond all the developmental benchmarks. Also, she is moving right along with her growth. She is still a small fry at 18 lbs. and 12.5 ozs. She is 28 and 3/8 inches tall and her head is 18.5 inches around.
Please enjoy a sampling of pics from the big girl's big day and her birthday weekend in general. And thanks to all who came out to help celebrate. Rylee is a very lucky girl. After
(Mommy and Daddy made the mistake of letting big brother have the camera duties during the cake destruction, so many of the pictures were blurry and unusable. Hopefully some of the partygoers got some better pics)
The Guest of Honor
"Wait, you mean these are ALL for me??!"
Playing with one of her party guest's toes
One years old = big girl bath time!
Rylee is very lucky to have two big brothers to show her how to play with all her cool, new toys.
A "Happy Birthday" serenade by Grandpa
Showing Grandma the ins and outs of the toy area