Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beach Bunny

Well, it finally happened... Daddy got to go somewhere cool on business! So, the week after Rylee's birthday, Mommy and Rylee packed up and headed to Virginia Beach with Daddy for almost a whole week of fun in the sun. It was Rylee's very first beach experience and she had a ball. She also got to do a lot of cool things for the first time while she was on vacation. We took a lot of pictures and video, so here are some highlights:

And we're off!!

Vrooooom vrooooom!

Channeling her inner Marilyn Monroe
You scream, I scream...
Rylee's fountain obsession continues... (this one was way cooler than the one in the mall back home)
All suited up!
She LOVED the sand...
...but notsomuch the cold ocean water...
Getting braver!
She had her first taste of pizza... yes, pizza... on our trip. You can see she didn't like it much... there is marinara sauce in her eye.
First time in the pool! She was skeptical at first after the trauma of the ocean, but once she realized it was just like a big bathtub, she was in hog heaven!
Dining on (but mostly spilling) some Cheerios while enjoying our beachfront balcony
The toy nook
"No, Mommy, I am NOT ready to go home! Unpack these STAT!"
First taste of Cuban food (I promise that is not a mojito in her sippy cup)
Calling some birdies
Saying bye bye to the ocean
Rylee was very fond of our balcony. She really liked the view of the ocean and all the people and dogs down on the beach and birdies flying by. But most of all, she loved to walk in and out, in and out, for no particular reason at all. Here she is after a day at the beach, doing her balcony workout.

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