Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the sweetest berry of them all...

It's Rylee's favorite time of year... STRAWBERRY SEASON!! Here's a look at our trip to Huber's over in Indiana last weekend to pick as many fresh strawberries as we could get our hands on.
Strawberry Shortcake
Riding out to the strawberry fields (careful not to loosen her grip on Daddy, of course)
Surveying the selection
Taste testing
Fruits and Nuts
"Ooh, I found a good one, Daddy!"
Strawberry Fields Forever...
Got to ride on this cute, little cow outside the cheese shop
Rylee's two loves combined: ice cream and strawberries...
Fully enjoying our 15 lb. (went a little overboard) bounty after we got home from the farm

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