Saturday, October 8, 2011

Down on the Farm

It's that time of year again, punkin pickin time! So, Mommy packed the kids in the car and made the annual trek to Huber's to pick this year's winners. Rylee was about a zillion times more mobile this year than last year, so she really got in on the action.
 Discussing their strategy

 And they're off!!

 What is this oddly shaped, orange creature?!

 They're everywhere!!

 Tried to teach her to say pumpkin, but it's sounding more like "pickack," so here she is inspecting a potential "pickack" candidate

 It's not the same without Daddy, but snacks sure do make it a little better.

 Doing the big slide with big bro (got them mid "weeeeeee!")

 Making friends with the farm animals

"Boy, this sure was hard work, BB. I could use a hug."

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