Thursday, November 3, 2011

Old McDonald Had a Farm...

Rylee had a most exciting second Halloween. She went trick-or-treating with the rest of her friends from Old McDonald's farm, like the (twin) cows and the (Hello) Kitty. She could hardly wait for Mommy to let go of her hand and let her loose at each house. The candy, of course, sort of took a backseat to the meeting and greeting. She is already talking about next year. Here are some pics from the Halloweenie festivities.

Master pumpkin carvers at work.

 And this is what Rylee did while we carved pumpkins...

 All lit up.


 ...with an "oink oink" here...

 With Aunt Genny, cleverly disguised as the devil.

 And an "oink oink" there...

 Ambushing Elmo

 Getting chauffeured for a while... this trick-or-treating business is hard work!!

This little piggy went zzzz zzzz zzzz all the way home!

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