Monday, May 28, 2012

Seeing Red

We have to wait for what seems like forever in this part of the country for our very favorite season of the year, but finally!! strawberry season has arrived. So, we made our annual trek over the bridge to Indiana to get our hands on Rylee's most favorite food, "bobbies."

 Big brother leading the way to the promised land

At least she pretended to pick for a minute or two...

This is the "I'm About to Eat My Weight in Strawberries" face

 Mommy just could not pick them fast enough

 Strawberry Queen

 Good thing Daddy didn't want to share

 Believe it or not, this was only 2/3 of our booty

 We also picked raspberries this year, which Rylee promptly put on her fingers a la Monica and Alison, black olive-style

 "Is this one of the ones that I picked? Cause it's pretty yummy."

And a couple days post pick, we found her exactly like this, fridge door wide open, helping herself to the stockpile...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TWO Times the Fun!!

Well, Mommy tried to stop time, but was unsuccessful, so our little Sprout turned TWO YEARS OLD. She had been telling us for months, whenever we asked her, that she wanted "Elmo cupcakes" for her birthday. We certainly couldn't deny her her one birthday wish. So, this year's party theme was, of course, The Street. There were lots of festivities and lots of happy birthday wishes, and definitely lots of zesty gifts. For those of you who couldn't be with us to celebrate, here is a glimpse of the fun.

 In all his glory, the star of the show, ELMO!

Grandma and Grandpa's gift was all put together and waiting at the bottom of the stairs when Rylee came down the morning of her party. It was (understatement of the year) a BIG HIT!

 The boys even got into the action

 She loved it so much, she hugged it...

 Our budding artiste

 Some of her best buddies came to her party. Here she is showing them some love.

 I don't know what all those male Hobens are glaring at, but here is the spread for her big bash

And then Memaw wheeled in the Wagon o' Presents!! (Rylee helped, of course)

Her very own laptop! (Good thing she had some volunteers closeby to help her figure out how to use it)

These multi-talented volunteers also showed her a thing or two about unwrapping (Shhh... it's a Bubble Mower!)

 Zoom zoomin her brand, new SUV!

 Elmo cupcake success! (and mess)

 Loading up her new shopping cart with groceries

She gets her shopping instincts from her Mommy

 Helping Daddy put together Aunt Mary's awesome gift....

 ....still waiting on Daddy to finish....

 ... a TRICYCLE!

Getting a few tips from her big brother

And last, but certainly not least... 

 "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, can we put it together now Daddy??!"

 We fear she may never come inside the house again...

She loves this water table so much, she tried to get in.

All in all, a great birthday for our big girl. Thanks to all for helping make it extra special.