Monday, May 28, 2012

Seeing Red

We have to wait for what seems like forever in this part of the country for our very favorite season of the year, but finally!! strawberry season has arrived. So, we made our annual trek over the bridge to Indiana to get our hands on Rylee's most favorite food, "bobbies."

 Big brother leading the way to the promised land

At least she pretended to pick for a minute or two...

This is the "I'm About to Eat My Weight in Strawberries" face

 Mommy just could not pick them fast enough

 Strawberry Queen

 Good thing Daddy didn't want to share

 Believe it or not, this was only 2/3 of our booty

 We also picked raspberries this year, which Rylee promptly put on her fingers a la Monica and Alison, black olive-style

 "Is this one of the ones that I picked? Cause it's pretty yummy."

And a couple days post pick, we found her exactly like this, fridge door wide open, helping herself to the stockpile...

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