Sunday, April 14, 2013

Can You Tell Me How To Get...

... how to get to Sesame Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sesame Street Live came to the Brown Theatre this year and we were lucky enough to be there. We waited 'til the morning of the show to tell Rylee where we were going. You can only imagine the look on her face. This seriously might have been the highlight of her life so far. Here is a glance at the big show. 
 How excited is this girl!???
 Looking cute with Elmo and Abby
Broadway Shmroadway.... THIS is theatre, people!!
 There was even some "get up outta your chaaaaaaaaaair and wave your hands like you just don't caaaaaaaaaaaare" action
Up close and personal with some of our faves
 Liam was actually pretty into the show with the lights and music and all. He was more into boobs though.
 Encore, encore!!
 And how else do you wrap up such a fun evening than with SKYLINE!! Here are Mommy and Rylee flashing some Sesame Street smiles over some oyster crackers.

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