Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Strawberry Hobencakes

Well, it was an especially long wait after the hard winter, but at long last strawberry season was in full swing in early June. And, so, we made our way to our favorite farm, Huber's, and picked as many as we could get our hands on.

 Rylee woke up with Strawberry Fever that day

 On the tractor, excitedly making our way out to the fields

 The breeze in his hair was definitely Liam's favorite part of the whole day
 Champion Berry Picker Version 1.0

 Champion Berry Picker Version 2.0

 Champion Berry Picker Version 3.0

 Champion Berry Picker Version 4.0 (he may be small, but he is mighty!)

 This is clearly becoming a tradition.
 Farmer Aidan

 Liam prefers them the size of his head for taste testing purposes

And, as always, walking off into the sunset

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