Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Berry Good Day

Early June brought one of our most favorite annual traditions: STRAWBERRY PICKING!!

A tete-a-tete with Huber's infamous talking tree

Farmer Aidan and his farmhand, Rylee

Whose idea was it to let the 2 year old drive?

This year's Kentucky Strawberry Princess 2015

We found some really funny looking strawberries this year:

There was the 4-leaf strawberry (found by none other than Brendan, which was fitting because, oddly enough, he has found more 4 leaf clovers in his 16 years than most people find in a lifetime)

And then there was Ginormaberry!!

Liam did more sampling than picking, of course

Annual berry picking butt view photo

No, no, no, Liam, we said pick STRAWBERRIES not STRAW!!

In the zone

This might look like Daddy is showing Rylee how to pick, but it's really the other way around

Child of the Corn?



The Motherload.

And then I introduced my childhood favorite to those adventurous enough to try it: strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar. We have a few fans in the house. 

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