Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rylee - Two Months Later

Well... Rylee has made it to two months. She even has an interview for her first job next week!!! They grow up so fast these days... sigh.

Rylee had her two month checkup yesterday and everything went well, with the exception of Mommy during the shots. I won't show that video here but it is available for pay on another website (drop me an email and I will send you the link). Rylee measured in at 10 lbs 6 oz, up from 8 lbs 5.4 oz at 1 month. She has also added 1 1/4 inches to her height, now checking in at 21.5 inches long. She received an oral medicine which she took like a champ. The two shots in her leg, on the other hand, caused her to cry more than we can remember, still whimpering as we walked out the door.

Please enjoy the two videos below of Rylee learning to comb her hair, talking about the doctor's visit, and throwing around a few smiles. You may be able to see her cute pink band-aids in the videos below where the nurse unmercifully stuck Rylee in the leg. Enjoy!

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