Thursday, July 1, 2010

Swim Date with the Wentas

So here we are barely 6 weeks old and we are already showing off at the local pool. Big brothers Brendan and Aidan were invited to a pool birthday party for their friend Noah. Well, of course Mommy and Daddy saw this as a perfect opportunity to dress Rylee in the latest fashion for a quick dip in the pool.

Now, Rylee wanted to wear a nice sensible two piece but Daddy would have none of that and instead selected a one piece complete with cover and hat. Now as luck would have it Team USA was playing in the World Cup this day and Mommy managed to use nursing as an excuse to head down the road to the Wentas. Meanwhile, Daddy and the boys were dominating the cornhole tourney. Granted this is not relevant to the blog but Daddy just wanted to boast anyway.

PS... Rylee did dip a little toe in the pool and was less than impressed so far.

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