Monday, April 25, 2011

Hippity Hoppity... and a Little Bit Snotty

Well, the week of Easter the inevitable happened... Rylee got her first ear infection. Almost made it a whole year without one. So, after some scary numbers on the thermometer and a few sleepless nights, she was off to the pediatrician and on to some antibiotics. So, she was feeling a little less than festive, but she was a good sport nonetheless. And she enjoyed all that Easter brought with it. Cracking up at Memaw's singing Easter animal collection.

"For me???"

Bunny Luv

Inspecting Easter Pooh

We gave her some Easter eggs she couldn't break

Ready to dye eggs with my big brothers!

Her very first Easter basket

She wasn't quite sure what to make of this new basket of toys at first....

...but she got into the groove pretty quickly!

These Hide and Squeak Eggs were a big hit.

Reading her first 1st Easter card...while dining on some Cheerios...

Taking a stroll in my pretty Easter dress with Memaw

Working the runway... with help from Aunt Colleen and Memaw

Easter was so exhausting, Daddy and Rylee were both pooped at the end of the day!

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