Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tornado Rylee

Well, it's tornado season in the Hoben house. There aren't many things that have escaped the wrath of Tornado Rylee, as evidenced by this assortment of incriminating photos... I like to think she was attempting to clean up after herself, but I think she was really just trying to make friends with Mr. Vacuum. "These are all wrong, Mommy..."
She prefers her own method of organizing the Wii games.
Picking her favorite meals out of a stack of Mommy's recipes (she was clearly not pleased about being removed from this important task)
"Mommy, some of these panties are so last year."
"I don't know who made this mess, but I'm getting out of here."
"Now where is that Vogue with the feature on designer diapers?"
"Oooh, these 3s are much more fun to scatter about."
Clearly, Mommy looked like she could use some help with the laundry...

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