Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Day (or Two) at the Park

Every year in July, we Hobens make our annual trek to King's Island to celebrate the boys' birthdays and let Mommy and Daddy relive their childhoods a little bit (minus the Smurfs). This year was a lot more fun than last year for both Rylee and Mommy. Last year Rylee was only about 7 weeks old and she and Mommy spent most of the day nursing in the air conditioned Baby Care Center. When she wasn't nursing, she was sleeping. But this year? Oh boy! Rylee thought King's Island was pretty stinkin' cool. Minus the 150 degree days, of course. Here is a brief look at our two day trip. Ready to get wet!
Waiting to get soaked
Her brothers won her this strange, small yellow creature. I think his name is Peekachoo?
"Unpacking" at the hotel
First carousel ride! Weeee!
She was intent on inspecting King's Island's lanscaping procedures every chance she got.
Just like my big brother!
Where's the keys? I'm ready to go!
It started with Peekachoo, but it didn't end there. Here she is with the boys' ridiculously massive amount of loot. We almost needed to rent a Uhaul to come home.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Little Foodie

Time has shown us that Rylee is definitely her mother's daughter. Since she has been eating solid foods (about 8 months now), she has proven time and time again that she is not your average baby. She is culinarily refined for sure... also know as being a "food snob." Take a look:Loves yogurt. Vanilla? Nah. Sweetened with fruit? No thanks. Plain, old whole milk yogurt.

Here she is sampling Mommy's homemade buttermilk waffles. Mmmm...
Tomato Dill Soup Mommy recreated from a favorite restaurant. She practically licked the bowl!
She liked blackberries fresh from the farmers' market... a little too much.
Not any toast will do... 100% whole wheat only please!
Pizza... well, who doesn't like pizza?!
Here she is pigging out on DRAGON FRUIT (yes, I said dragon fruit). There were also strawberries in the mix, which she was actually bypassing to get to the dragon fruit. And we all know how Rylee feels about strawberries...
...and last, but not least... only the finest ice cream in the land, the Comfy Cow.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Skating Rinks and Swimming Pools and Fireworks, Oh My!

First of all, we apologize for our absence. Rylee has been a very busy young lady. We tried several times to post videos, but whether due to user error or blogspot boboness, we are unable to do so at this time, so here are some pictures of what Rylee has been up to so far this (HOT!) summer...First Bats game! Yea!
Looking for an article on how to make my diaper area appear less bulky
Boogieing down in my cow suit
Riding on a (pink) pony
Entertaining friends
Showing my horns
Doing some artwork
Having picnics with my sock monkey
Rearranging the Tupperware cabinet
Trying a butternut squash face mask (great for your pores!)
Going to the playground
Learning how to play guitar
Going roller skating (or at least chasing around the kids who were big enough to roller skate)
Trying some new hairdos
Finding alternative uses for the empty wine rack
Going swimming with Daddy
Wearing Mommy's shades
Taking a ride on the Laundry Express
Enjoying my brothers being off school
Cooking eggs in the dryer (DUH)
Practicing for next year's play cookie eating contest
Having tea parties with my friends