Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Little Foodie

Time has shown us that Rylee is definitely her mother's daughter. Since she has been eating solid foods (about 8 months now), she has proven time and time again that she is not your average baby. She is culinarily refined for sure... also know as being a "food snob." Take a look:Loves yogurt. Vanilla? Nah. Sweetened with fruit? No thanks. Plain, old whole milk yogurt.

Here she is sampling Mommy's homemade buttermilk waffles. Mmmm...
Tomato Dill Soup Mommy recreated from a favorite restaurant. She practically licked the bowl!
She liked blackberries fresh from the farmers' market... a little too much.
Not any toast will do... 100% whole wheat only please!
Pizza... well, who doesn't like pizza?!
Here she is pigging out on DRAGON FRUIT (yes, I said dragon fruit). There were also strawberries in the mix, which she was actually bypassing to get to the dragon fruit. And we all know how Rylee feels about strawberries...
...and last, but not least... only the finest ice cream in the land, the Comfy Cow.

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