Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cats, Cousins, and... Cocktails??

A few days after Christmas, it was that time again... New Year's! And nothing says New Year's like warm sunshine and cousinly love in the Palmetto State. So, Rylee and Mommy made the trip south to ring in 2012 with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Alison, Uncle Chris, Avery, and Mason in Charleston. Oh, and let us not forget Max. We had lots of fun sharing toys, ate lots of yummy food (including Rylee's first S'mores, which she called a "cupcake" and really wasn't that crazy about oddly enough), took a trip to the Children's Museum, and even survived our first stomach bug.

 Girl power at the Children's Museum

 Rylee makes friends wherever she goes

 Grandpa explaining the principles of civil engineering

 Water art

 Presenting... the future of the US Women's Team!

Swingin in the yard... just swiiiiiiiingin' in the yard!

Bubbles bubbles bubbles! 

 Kitty love


Cousin board meeting. BYOCereal Bar.

 It's a palmetto, Mommy, duh.

 Is it hot in here or does this car come equipped with butt warmers?

 This started with the adults having some Bushwackers and ended with 3 shirtless kids on the couch with Grandpa... Cheers!

Smooches for Aunt Ali 

 A duet with Grandpa

 I truly believe she would have stayed in this sandbox all week without food or water

 Homemade lemonade popsicles. Mmmmmm...

Higher, Grandma, higher!!

Early morning toy sharing

Clearly, we are going to need one of these at our house.

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