Saturday, January 28, 2012


 I realize, of course, that I am setting my children up for disappointment by turning them into Bengals fans, but hopefully they will see more orange and black in the Playoffs and Super Bowl than I have in my lifetime. This year, at least, the Bungles made it to the first round of the Playoffs. This was a very serious day in our house, as you can see below.

 "Uh, seriously, who called that play?"

 Brendan teaching Rylee how to watch football like a man. I think she's got it down.

 The play was so bad she hid from it

 End of the 2nd half. She was not impressed.

 "Maybe if I get on this horse, I can ride far, far away from this game..."

And after the loss, her dress came off. I'm not sure what to make of that.

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