Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Case of the Halloweenies

Forgive me, I am so far behind... but in an attempt to catch up while I still can, here it goes! Halloween was very exciting this year, partly because Daddy got to spend it with us for the first time and partly because Rylee was very into it this year. She had practiced and perfected her pleases and thank yous and, most importantly, her "trick or treat!" so she was ready to go. 
 Our first stop was the annual zoo Halloween party. Alongside the Strawberry are Aidan the Knight and, well, Brendan dressed as himself.
 First ever chocolate bar. You can tell it was a hit.
 Daddy leading her into the pumpkin promised land.
 Our champion punkin pickers.
 "Ewwwwwwwwwwwww, punkin guts!"
 Posing with the Hoben family o' punkins before trick-or-treating
 the Halloween Express
 This was our favorite house. I think it was intended to be spooky, but nothing scares our fearless strawberry. In fact, she even made friends with this ghosty goul.
She was allowed to eat something from her basket after we got home from our trick-or-treating extravanganza. This led to her very first Oreos.... definitely not her last.

Pausing for a quick chocolate-faced photo with Mommy before wrapping up our night of Halloween fun

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