Sunday, December 23, 2012

Boxes and Moving Vans and Big Girl Beds, Oh My!

As most of you know, we Hobens are officially outgrowing the townhouse we had lived in for 5 years in a few weeks. So, in mid November we moved into a new house. We are pretty much all settled in now. Here are some snippets from the Big Move.
 This was her idea of helping us pack.
 "I know I put it in here somewhere..."
 This is how you get through a move: a coloring book, a sleeve of graham crackers, and Mommy's phone.
 ...and a little hokey pokey never hurt either.
 Actual moving day: Rylee was totally oblivious to the chaos going on around her. Furniture moving in and out. Boxes everywhere. Cable guy here. And there she was, just coloring in her to-be playroom.
 It's amazing what you come across during a move. Derby, anyone?

No couch? No problem!

 Nothing like a good, old-fashioned White Castle floor picnic
She decided the yard already needed mowing
Dining al fresco

 First night in her big girl bed!!
 A real yard for her water table. How happy is she?!
 First real meal at the kitchen table. I believe that is the "Seriously, Mommy?" look you're seeing there.
 First bath in new tub

 Movie night in the new digs

 Leaves to rake! So much fun!
First Daddy Pancake Day in the new crib
 Something about those boxes she just can't resist...
This was her "helping Mommy get the playroom together." Insert raised eyebrow face here.

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