Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Ho Ho Hoben Holiday

This will probably be our last blog under this name. The Peapod is joining us in 9 days or less, so we will have to alter our blog title slightly to welcome him or her to the family. But don't worry, we will be back soon to introduce you all to our new addition!
We wanted to be sure we got a big, old happy holidays blog done beforehand. We were beyond glad Daddy was able to be here to celebrate the season with us this year. And a few weeks before Christmas, Grandma and Grandpa even came to town. They got to help us pick out our Christmas tree and everything. So, lots of excitement here throughout the month of December!
A message from Rylee to all of you (No, she did not draw this. Aidan did, but she is quite proud of her brother's artwork.)
Kicking off the season with some holiday ice cream at the Cow.

...and some blurry flying pigtail dancing at the Westport Village tree lighting.

On the hunt for the perfect tree!!
Rylee was really pulling for this Charlie Brownesque tree

But we talked her into this big guy instead.

Putting on her very own ornaments, big girl style

Helping Grandma and Aidan with their ornament placement strategy
Painting some homemade Christmas gifts

Cozied up to watch some Christmas Veggie Tales with Grandma and Grandpa

Enjoying a Christmas sticker book from Grandma

...and a milkshake bigger than her head.

The Christmas Story as told by Rylee T. Hoben via paint and stickers
We made 3 kinds of Christmas cookies this year for Santa (and ourselves and others). Rylee was a big helper.

Clearly she has never heard that a watched pot never boils.

Adding some Krispies

"Is it time to put the M&Ms in yet, Mommy?" (I heard this at least a dozen times during this particular recipe)

Are these ginormous Christmas cupcake faces or what?

The Hoben Christmas Movie Lounge
A little Christmas Eve bed boinging

Putting the key out for Santa! (this is new this year since we previously had a chimney for him to squeeze down)

Annual 'Twas the Night Before Christmas reading (Daddy does it SO much better than last year's stand-in)

Putting Santa's cookies and milk out (don't forget the reindeer carrots!!)

Christmas morning hugs

...and grins

Our traditional Christmas Casserole breakfast

Putting the final touch on our advent calendar: baby Jesus of course.


Chef Rylee, hard at work within seconds of laying eyes on her new kitchen.

And she already has customers!

Chez Rylee is officially open for business. Come by. It's a 4 star establishment.

She seriously didn't take her apron off all day. That's how cool this kitchen is. Here she is pausing to enjoy some other toys.

We closed out the night at Aunt Mary's. Here is Rylee opening some very exciting Legos.

And doing what any 2 1/2 year old would do... sorting wine charms at the kitchen table. Um, yeah.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year from our family to all of yours. We are looking forward to a very happy, healthy 2013: the year of the Peapod. :-)

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