Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Welcome, baby brother!

We are pleased to announce we became a family of SIX on January 7th, 2013 at 7:32pm. Even though we were scheduled to check into the hospital on Friday the 11th, Liam Connor Hoben clearly had plans of his own to enter the world. At Mommy's doctor's appointment the morning of the 7th, the doctor told her she was not dilated at all and the baby was nowhere near coming on his/her own. Liam must have heard her and chuckled mischieviously to himself. Mommy's water broke at home just a few short hours later and it was suddenly go time! Just a few short hours later, he was here!
We are sorry for the blog delay, but we have been very busy the past month packing on AN OUNCE A DAY! and entertaining visitors who were quite anxious to meet little Liam. Here are some pictures to introduce you to our handsome little man.
Daddy stylin'
Liam weighed in at 6 lbs 15 ozs. and 19 inches long

Mommy and Liam getting in some cuddles right off the bat
Visiting Mommy and Liam in the hospital (snack in each hand but still tried to "share" Mommy's food)
Very happy to be a big sister

One more and we'd have a basketball team!

Baby Burrito

I'm afraid they are already teaching him their tricks...
Headed home!!

It didn't take long for him to make himself at home.

Rylee thought for certain Liam needed something to play with in his carseat

Teaching him how to play with toys... what else are big sisters for?!
Just a few days after we got home from the hospital, we took Rylee out for some big sister fun and even met Chuck E. Cheese

...this is what Liam thought of his first trip to Chuck E.'s place

First bath!

Rylee wanted to make sure we did his first bath right

Grandma and Grandpa Love

Sleeping seems to be something he does very well

Too. Much. Light.

Aidan teaching Liam how to cheer for the Cats. We start 'em young around here.

Keeping vigilant watch over her little brother
Enjoying the comfort of Aunt Ali's lap

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