Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Funny Valentines

The Hobens had a fun-filled Valentine's Day this year. Low-key, but fun. Here's a little glimpse at some of the festivities. 
Aunt Ali was here a few days before Valentine's Day and she brought a fun valentine project for Rylee. Hooray for aunts! 

 Grandma's valentine card came with some stickers enclosed. Rylee took this to mean that Grandma's card needed some immediate embellishments and took care of that for her right away.
Mommy had a fun valentine making project of her own planned for Miss Rylee. Here are a few shots of our little art project:
 Please observe pile o' glitter on table... and chair... and floor... pretty much everywhere.
 Caution: valentines in progress

I wish I could have captured the amount of glitter on her face better, because this pic doesn't even come close to doing it justice. Not pictured: glitter covered newborn.
 Opening Memaw's valentine (with no pants on)
 Memaw's card had money in it. Rylee was super excited to put it in her piggy bank.
 Rylee modeling her "fluffy Valentine tutu"
Liam didn't do much in the way of valentine making or candy eating, but he did celebrate by flashing some pretty sharp smiles.
 Our romantic Valentine's dinner for 6
What else would be on the menu??! Heart-shaped pizza!

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