Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green

Well, we're Irish. So, we do St. Patty's Day big. I mean, we turn EVERYTHING green. Here's a look at what my little leprechauns were up to the last week or two.
Making the annual St. Patty's Day Knox Blox
All done! 

Even Skyline pretended they were Irish this year... with GREEN SPAGHETTI!!
 The littlest leprechaun, flashin' some grins.

 St. Pat's ice cream cake at Memaw and Pepaw's. So good, she closed her eyes.
 Chef Rylee getting ready to add the magic ingredient to the St. Patty pancakes
 Green pancake deliciousness!

 Hey, he might be young, but he's got a pretty good motto. I might start using that myself.
 Check the shirt. How could you not?!

 There was even green milk!
AND our dinner had Guinness in it!
St. Patty's Day art project, phase 1...
And phase 2....

...there was even green on her chin


Finished product!
 And Mommy even had a beer. :-)

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