Friday, March 29, 2013

Artsy Fartsy

You may have noticed in some recent posts, but our girl's been bitten by the art bug. Sometimes we use materials we have just lying around the house. Sometimes we use a little help from the craft store. You name it, we love our art projects. BB and Aidan are often in on the arts and crafts, but Liam isn't quite as into it just yet, except for hanging around getting glitter on his head while nursing and stuff. 
Making our very own wooden dolls with changeable magnetic outfits

 She's not even afraid to get messy.
 Who doesn't love pipe cleaners!

 LOTS of pipe cleaners... and fuzzy balls... and googly eyes!
We made a butterfly! (Not pictured: an anatomically challenged bee)
 Glitter glue grins!
 Trying our hand at some watercolor painting to our elbows) fingerpainting
 Scissors, glue, paper, snack. We're all set!
Just in time for Spring... a handprint flower!
 We even share our arts and crafts time with our out of town visitors. Here we are making egg carton caterpillars with Grandpa
Presenting... Katrina the Caterpillar!

 Move over paper snowflakes... here come giant paper Easter eggs!
 And sometimes we even hang our art projects around the house

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