Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Annual Pilgrimage

We didn't think we were going to be able to swing our annual two-day trip to King's Island this year, but we are super grateful to our generous family members who made the boys' birthday wish come true. It was a jam-packed, fun-filled two days and we can't wait 'til next year. Here are some highlights of our trip: 

The Birthday Boys, in their first line of many

 Rylee got to ride her first real roller coaster this year! How excited are they!?
 Hands on 10 and 2!
 This was the first time she ever had her face painted.... so what does she want? The full face, highly involved tiger. With sparkles. Go big or go home.
 Checking out the view from the top of the tower. Rylee said, "this is small potatoes. I've been to the REAL Eiffel Tower." :-)
 Chugga chugga, toot toot!
 Liam's first carousel. Riveted.
 Ready to get their carnival game on!
 Every year there's a favorite prize. This year it was another Smurf. She is my daughter, after all.
 Fireworks and funnel cake! A match made in heaven!
 And Aidan's favorite prize, a giant hat-wearing corn on the cob. Um, yeah.
 "Hotels are cool, especially when it means I get to share a bed with my big brother!"
...Because we don't have couches and TVs at home??

Our Peanuts 
Just a swingin'

First bumper cars! She insisted hers must be purple.

Day 2: Liam was pumped for some water park action!!

Yes, that's Aidan posing in the water fall. I'm not really sure either.


Rylee had great fun with her life vest

The big boys went to ride some water slides and Mommy and Rylee splashed around by themselves and took selfies with a stroller snoozing Liam nearby

And this? This is how we ALL felt at the end of the second day.

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