Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Fun, Part One

We are big fans of summer in this house and we have been taking full advantage of the warm weather, no school, and fun things to do that the season brings. Here's a quick look at some of what we've been up to:
 Backyard sprinklin'
 Doing the Camel
 And feeding some other hungry friends
 Decorating the driveway
 Getting a-mazed at Incredible Dave's
 Hoping things are non-toxic after we licked them off
 Feeding some duckies
 Doing the library's Summer Reading Program
 Climbing trees
 Staying up late with Mommy, Daddy, and a giant bucket of popcorn to watch the Lion King
 Painting our cousins some birthday presents
 Bubble twirling
 Dancing like nobody's watching (well, Aidan seemed to realize someone was watching)
 Drinking a cold one
 Discovering we have a frog friend living in our front yard
Finding new playgrounds

...And splashgrounds
 Familiarizing ourselves with the cookbooks
And learning new tricks.

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