Saturday, July 6, 2013

Monsoon/No Firework/Birthday Weekend! (also known as the 4th of July)

Soooooooo, Mother Nature rained on our 4th of July parade. Like big time. But we had a great time anyway. And Aidan turned 11 (11?! WTH?!) in the process. Here we are in all our red, white, and blue glory.
 Red, white and cute at a new playground.
 And grocery shopping for provisions because we suddenly can't do a picnic with fireworks downtown...but still smilin'!
 4th o' July toesies
What do you do when it rains on the 4th? Well.... eat mail.
 ...and wrestle an octopus
 ....and smile real cute
 ...and eat an overly iced cake
 "Holy crap, what is that thing, and when do I get some?!"
...and you go to the movies. Past your bedtime. Awesome.
 Making sure the popcorn ladies layered the butter.
 Eating popcorn. LOTS and LOTS of popcorn.
Special birthday donut breakfast 
 He didn't want cake. He wanted sugar cookies. With icing and sprinkles. So Mommy took it to the cookie-sandwich-rolled-in-sprinkles level.
And we finished off the evening with a violin concert. Totally normal.

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