Monday, July 8, 2013

Project Squash

Well, our little man is officially SIX MONTHS OLD! Tear :-( 
He weighed in at 16 lbs. 1 oz. at his six month check-up, with a height of 25 inches and a head circumference of 17 1/2. So, he is still a shrimp with a giant noggin,  but he is working on evening it all out. He is also working frighteningly hard on trying to crawl. Like it is literally a matter of moments before he figures it out. Other things he has been up to include chewing on any and everything, scooting, rolling, cracking up, and being super cute. So, before we get busy baby proofing our house, we will share some pics of perhaps the biggest six month milestone... FOOD!! He got to start a day before his six month birthday because Aidan's birthday wish was for it to take place on his birthday, so we moved it up a day. Don't think Liam minded since he has been stalking us as we eat and drink for weeks. Poor guy couldn't wait to get his hands on some vittles.
"Your days are numbered, squash."

 Trying out his high chair a few days before the big event.

 He even thought it was so cozy, he took a snooze in it.
 And Rylee was more than happy to show him how the toys worked.
 First course: ice cold water. Mmmmm
 He was unconvinced at first.
But then he got the hang of it!
 "I am the boss of this squash!'
 Rylee even got to feed him some.
And this was the scene when he was done. Yes, we got out the hose. ;-)

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