Monday, July 1, 2013

Fantastical Gymnastical!

If there was any question whatsoever whether or not Miss Rylee would enjoy gymnastics class, we had our answer pretty quickly. Her first session at Louisville Gymnastics has just come to an end and she love love loved everything about it. She loved her teacher, Miss Jill, and she learned so much over the eight weeks. We are very excited to be starting another session right away! Yea! Here are (probably way too many) pictures of her pioneer voyage into the world of gymnastics.  
 Special shout out to cousin Avery for the hand-me-down leotards. Here is Rylee modeling her proper gymnastics attire and sporting an ear-to-ear grin.

Rylee made so much progress over the course of the session:
 She went from crawling on the beams...
 ...and face planting walking on the beam all by herself

...and doing solo somersaults doing backwards somersaults
...even to doing somersaults ON THE BEAM!

...and into a foam pit with no fear at all!

Doin' the ring thing

Learning proper hands on hips technique (just what she needed- some more attitude)

Getting dump trucked

Possibly the best action shot ever.

Breezing through the uneven bars

Bars with friends

Raising the bar (he he he)

She didn't even mind when she had a sub. Plus, he let her build towers, which made him automatically cool.

Hula hoopin'

We learned that sometimes you are the log roller...

...and sometimes the log rolls you....... and you fall out.

Dismounting with a smile 

We always looked forward to our stamp rewards at the end of each class

Ahem... practicing some of our new moves at home

Liam too. Clearly he has a future in gymnastics too.

Last day of the session POPSICLES! Can't beat that!
Giving Miss Jill a hug goodbye. We're going to miss her. But we are looking forward to meeting our new teacher and learning lots more tricks and having lots more gymnastifun!

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