Monday, January 10, 2011

A Charleston Kind of New Year

Once she went mobile, it didn't take Rylee long to figure out she could pull up on things, stand, and bonk her head on any and everything. Never a dull moment for sure.
A few days after Christmas, we headed to Charleston, SC to ring in the New Year with the Millers and the Steiners. What a way to say goodbye to the year of Rylee's birth and hello to the year of her first birthday (scary!)
Having all 3 Steiner babies under one roof was quite an experience. Rylee had a great time hanging with her cousins Mason and Avery and getting spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa. She learned some new tricks and had fun showing off her new skills. She also got to go down her first slide, swing on her first swing, and see her first fireworks! Avery teaching Rylee how to use the big kid toys
By the end of the week Avery had finally gotten used to sharing with not one but two babies. Said sharing is pictured here, as she generously piled every toy she owns in front of Rylee, who didn't quite know where to start

Pulling up and standing are all the rage

Steiner cousins! Woop, woop!

Grandma didn't quite want to let us go home

Soundtrack brought to you by the musical genius of Avery and Grandpa

Inspecting Mason... she gave him the seal of approval

Mason outweighs and outlengths Rylee already and he is 7 weeks younger. Here is Uncle Sean, building up his biceps.

This supercool toy made Rylee want to take up permanent residence in the Palmetto State. She has already requested one for her first birthday.


Swinging with Mommy

Fortunately, she is still young enough to appreciate Grandpa's jokes

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