Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Very Busy Bee

Well, despite Mommy's best efforts to hit the pause button, Rylee is officially 8 months old! There is no scheduled pediatrician appointment this month, so we aren't sure of her exact stats, but we can tell you with 100% certainty that she is discovering new things every day, growing like a weed, and getting into anything and everything she can possibly get into. Here is a look at what she's been up to: Checking Daddy for ticks

(Not really) giving peas a chance

Dressing up like a snuggly, little bear

Monkeying around

Trying new foods

Getting stuck in some very tight spots

Learning how to do her own hair

Cheering on the Cats

Making sure Daddy's mask complies with all current safety standards

Doing some light reading

Teething...seriously teething...

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