Friday, January 7, 2011

Crawlin' Around the Christmas Tree

Rylee officially started crawling about 10 days before her first Christmas, so the holiday season was a lot of fun for everyone, including Mommy, who spends a lot of her time chasing her around now. It didn't take long for us to realize we needed baby gates and we needed them like yesterday. The tree only lasted about 24 hours before we installed a fortress around it to protect not only Rylee, but the tree and ornaments as well.

We stayed in Louisville this year and spent Christmas with the Hobens. We were very happy to have all 3 kiddos at home with us for this very special first Christmas. Here are some of our merriest moments for you to share: Getting the hang of this unwrapping thing

Before the fortress went up around the tree..

Santa brought Rylee her very first kitchen, so she can start training to be Mommy's sous chef

Christmas sprouts

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Our 3 favorite gifts

Waiting in line to see Santa... and waiting... and waiting...

All bundled up and on the hunt for the perfect tree!!

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