Friday, April 13, 2012

Funny Bunny

Rylee was the only benefactor of the Bunny at our house this year since it was not our weekend to have her brothers. She didn't seem to mind too much. There was so much excitement with egg hunts and egg dying and the Easter Bunny coming to visit, she hardly noticed the boys weren't there. She loved the egg dying experience SO much, she cried when we were done. And she has been asking to dye eggs ever since. How do you explain that that's kind of a once a year thing?

"Put the camera down, Mommy! I am ready to get messy!"

 Say "EGGIE!"

 "Oh boy, oh boy, is it my turn yet??"

Creating a masterpiece

Going at the basket full speed ahead. (Please do not ask what Mommy's face is all about in the background. No one is sure.)

Easter basket goodie grins

 So young and already cheating... she watched Memaw hide the eggs.

And she's off!!

 Found one!

One down, five to go...

 "Back off, Daddy, this chocolate is mine."

What says Easter like strawberries and whipped cream?

The annual assault of Memaw's singing Easter creature collection

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What This Girl Needs Is Some More Personality...

 With each passing day, Rylee's personality (and attitude) get more and more larger than life. Every day is an adventure. It's hard to capture in pictures. Mommy and Daddy go back and forth on who she takes after more. Based on what we know about Mommy as a toddler, odds are it probably is Mommy these days. If that is the case, Lord, help us when she is a teenager... One thing is for sure, she is downright hilarious.

"Duh, Daddy, that's an OVAL, not a CIRCLE." (is it just me or is that pretty close to an eye roll there?)

Here she is "helping cook"
Post "noodle!" face
Rocking out

Thank goodness for washable markers.
What other totally logical place would she pick to sit and read a book?
"Just catching up on some e-mails and setting up a meeting, Mommy. I'll be right with you."
"Scout is ready for breakfast!"
Channeling her inner Michael Jackson?
The lone brief and fleeting February snow made her run around like a crazy person with her tongue out.

Dance Dance Revolution with her bros... I am not sure which of the three of them has more moves.

One afternoon, BB had to work on a project. She INSISTED she needed to work on one too. 
Yes, those are her pants. On her head.
Someone's excited for strawberry season... 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

March to the Championship

Rylee was extremely confident this year in Kentucky's ability to win the title. She later confessed she had been giving Coach Cal coaching tips all year long. Clearly, she is our lucky charm. She throws her arms in the air and shouts "Go Cats!" on command and, sometimes, for no apparent reason whatsoever. She was very into the tournament this year and is already working on a new crop of cheers for next year. 

 Here she is stocking the coolers for a day of St. Patty's Day parades and March Madness festivities...

 Wonder whose kid this is... what almost 2 year old gets this excited about BWW?

 New game day tradition: pink horsey pushing (not riding... pushing)...

 ...and puddle splashing

My favorite combination sous chef/cheerleader ready for the national title game!! 

After the big win, she got so excited she busted right out of her diaper!