Thursday, April 12, 2012

What This Girl Needs Is Some More Personality...

 With each passing day, Rylee's personality (and attitude) get more and more larger than life. Every day is an adventure. It's hard to capture in pictures. Mommy and Daddy go back and forth on who she takes after more. Based on what we know about Mommy as a toddler, odds are it probably is Mommy these days. If that is the case, Lord, help us when she is a teenager... One thing is for sure, she is downright hilarious.

"Duh, Daddy, that's an OVAL, not a CIRCLE." (is it just me or is that pretty close to an eye roll there?)

Here she is "helping cook"
Post "noodle!" face
Rocking out

Thank goodness for washable markers.
What other totally logical place would she pick to sit and read a book?
"Just catching up on some e-mails and setting up a meeting, Mommy. I'll be right with you."
"Scout is ready for breakfast!"
Channeling her inner Michael Jackson?
The lone brief and fleeting February snow made her run around like a crazy person with her tongue out.

Dance Dance Revolution with her bros... I am not sure which of the three of them has more moves.

One afternoon, BB had to work on a project. She INSISTED she needed to work on one too. 
Yes, those are her pants. On her head.
Someone's excited for strawberry season... 


  1. I am pretty sure we don't go back and forth. This girl is 100% Monica and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!

  2. Whatever. She laughs at her own farts and snores. You can't blame everything on me. lol
